Mr Fixit

Most of Altman's films are a mess.. that's his genus. Took me years to figure that out. Still love M*A*S*H too bad its ruined by that fucking wank of a TV show.

I already have windows in my house to look out and see the world collapsing on itself.

I get that too when its not the Stevie Wonder version.

Its a cow… It can't be killed inhumanely it ain't human. It's killed inhefferely.

You actually know what your talking about…. EVERBODY GET EM!!!

They use that shit in the military cause its a form of brainwashing.

Ah the old Tearing them down to build them up bullshit. Been a victim of it and seen it in action (my last boss of example) never seen it work and I'm positive it never has. Its just an excuse assholes make to justify being an asshole to people.