Joe Random

In the episode where we first see the subdivision with Dougie and the hooker, there is a wide shot shows someone (quickly and from far away) pushing a grocery cart dressed in all black. I swear it was supposed to be the creature behind the restaurant from Mullholland Drive.

Nimrod was great for sure. Probably their second best album to date.

People always make a fuss about Tarzan-Shia and the fridge - and forget about the CGI groundhogs. The movie literally opens with a shot of computer generated groundhogs for no good reason. So, five seconds into the thing I knew we were in trouble. A mind boggling decision.

The title made me think it was nothing but a Harry Potter rip off. Glad to know there is a little more to it than that.

My wife and I listened to Prince's "Get Off" the other day and she swore it was what they used for the HI theme song. It was a lol moment but the songs are oddly similar.

Congrats on saying "FUN" before anyone else.

Cool, see you in November.

So where's the outrage from AV Club about how nice he was to Hilary Clinton?

I was scared he was going to have cow on his "worst" list. Glad to know he's not that pretentious.

that was embarrassing to read. Hope you were joking.

The songs were better when Gossard wrote the music. Sorry, Eddie, but it's true.

Bravo to Seth Rogan and his team. In my opinion, this may be the new gold standard of comic to screen adaptation - because I feel the deviations they chose to make from the source material made for a more compelling season of television. Plus, they obviously had such a respect for the comic that the changes didn't

It's been a great year so far for amazing TV shows catching me by surprise. The People V O.J. and Stranger Things have been the definite highlights.

? Ok.


Keep clinging to those polls.

You're probably one of those guys that said Trump would NEVER get the republican nomination. Guess what? He did. And he will keep on winning.

It will be enough.

And it's funny because you apparently don't have any mirrors in your one bedroom apartment. If you did you'd see a guy that does the same thing.

You're smarter than I gave you credit for, initially.