
It was sad that in the one episode Laurel was supposed to shine in, it was Diggle's conflict about his brother that really stole the show.

You know that secretly she hopes this show runs on and on so she can continue to be relevant to someone. Without her childish retorts about Arrow I wouldn't know who tf she was!

Lance knows Oliver is GA. Cupid doesn't. As far as she knows, GA died. If you want dumb, Supergirl wears glasses and puts her hair up and even when one character calls her out on it, she spends the entire episode convincing her she is not Supergirl. This is superhero TV. The Clark Kent Conundrum. The "Oliver Queen is


Flash seems to be losing viewers at a much faster rate in 2 years than Arrow has in 4 years. It doesn't look good.

Season 2 Felicity would have grabbed the detonator and thrown it to Oliver. Season 3 Felicity would have grabbed the detonator and stopped it herself. Season 4 Felicity just isnt interested in the detonator

I think they both suffer from the same thing. They're far too dependent on each other. They may as well be one of those couples who TMI at dinner parties about each other's sexual health they're that co-dependent.

It's been downhill since the premiere. In episode 6 Oliver says "I need to know if Ivy Town was as good as it gets for us" well Oliver…it appears that Ivy Town is as good as it gets.

Are you kidding there are so many fan fics out there about Slade teaching Oliver the ways of survival and Oliver corrupting young Barry Allen. You just need to know how to look for them

Some people out there like to compare Arrow to Daredevil and I have to say both shows were almost difficult to tell apart with this episode. The overcrowding, trying to resolve too many storylines in one go and instead ending up with a disjointed underwhelming episode, sidelining the main character to launch potential