Also relevant:
I don't want no hippie pad
no. this night was Trump bashing. No?
This show is only lacking 2 things: Artie Lange and a ton of cocaine.
D- listers would even be generous.
Yeah youre right. 2 comedic actresses should be taken at the same level as a current governor and former Presidential candidate. My bad
Bill's speech never once directly bashed Trump. Michelle Obamas speech didn't directly attack him either. By this time last week, the GOP speakers had the delegates of a major party chanting "Lock her up" basically circumventing Due Process …So, yeah I call false equivalency.
Agreed. Meryl Streep is no Scott Baio.
He said lady… without Quotation marks.
There actually hasnt been a lot of Trump bashing relatively speaking. they really are trying to paint a clear distinction.
The Bourne Cashgrab.
FYI… Head straight to Dag Nasty's epic debut "Can I Say"
We're not the first, and I hope we're not the last…
Republicans can also tend to get angry when the Bureau of Land Management is involved… maybe its just the initials.
And semi-coherent as well.
Maybe Dicaprio could drown while getting flashed by Winslet?
I would rather see a Titanic sequel. Maybe the iceberg could sink this time.
As long as Leo drowns at the end.
And part of Old Nagrand as well