Yep. Its been awhile since i listened to that WW1 series. Just remember the term meatgrinder been liberally used.
Yep. Its been awhile since i listened to that WW1 series. Just remember the term meatgrinder been liberally used.
That's Epic
btw, if you need an avatar, may I suggest 'Comic Book Guy' from The Simpsons? "Worst _____ Ever"
The writers have put 100% more effort into Westeros than GRRM in the last few years. And I'm not offended..I am just not in the tiny minority of folks who didnt love this episode. Go back to stewing now.
a meatgrinder..oops that was WW I
I was entertained. Period. Why not suspend disbelief when watching something in the fantasy genre and just fucking enjoy it?
Next Up: The Purge: Cleveland
no. not if your boss flays deserters, crucifies them upside down, then sets fire to them.
My guess is those were 4 deserters out front burning
flaying. lots of flaying
Glad it wasn't just me…
it was an extremely effective tactic. Why not?
"Hello Props-R-Us? I would like to order 43 barrels of fake blood. Yes I said barrels…"
I do!
-Jared from Subway.
I was thinking more of voices guiding him, much like the one Ned heard at the Tower of Joy
He could have married Lysa without Sansa's presence
Seems like basic Evangelical Christianity to me.
He also helped her escape King's Landing and get to the Vale. Dunno. just a theory
Did he? I mean clearly?