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    I am no Trump supporter, but your usage of alternative facts in your critique boggles the mind. I also am hard-pressed to believe that people still hold Comey solely responsible for the email stuff when… y'know… a lifelong politician failed to follow proper procedures for emails and then refused to take accountability

    Of course you won't apologize. Because you'd rather ignore facts detrimental to your worldview. Very liberal of you.


    Except that it is pretending to be partisan. If you had bothered to read the article, you'd see Whedon said “It’s not about attacking because Donny’s real good at attacking himself,” Whedon told THR. “It’s about getting people to vote, because it’s frightening, the apathy that people are treating the most crucial

    fair enough, but i don't think it's right for wealthy elites of our nation to shame people into voting for someone who is only a hair better than Trump.

    Do the right thing, vote 3rd Party. Thus, no need to side with Franco.

    So if this is about getting out the vote… why is it so disgustingly partisan. They may as well have said "make sure you vote… if you are a Democrat. Because voting Republican is evil."

    Seriously, where is thurman merman on this list? Best character name reveal ever

    This article is wholly outrageous. People can read racisim into anything. How about the fact that the mom was a teacher and it would be extremely likely she would tell many young people to go to school? How about the fact that this kid pulled himself up completely by his bootstraps to get where he is? I would hardly

    Man - what does the AV Club have against South Park. SP had easily one of its best and most inventive seasons in years and not a mention anywhere. Also, Clarence is waaaaaaay better than Steven Universe at capturing youth (both its light and dark aspects).
    Glad to see Black-ish get its due as a really great new show

    Very confused about this article. So is having a baby anti-feminist? The writer focused on one line Leslie said… instead of what actually happened on the show. The show jumped several years into the future and we saw first-hand that babies are not Leslie's endgame. She has taken the Federal job, its located in Pawnee,

    THis show, as I suspected, is completely aimless without Michael. Most of this is the fault of the writers not sticking to one new boss to set the dynamic (and now we will likely get a new reboot with Robert departing at the end of the season). I really believe this show has run its course, and they should settle on

    Since when has Kristen Wiig or Patton Oswalt EVER been funnier than Ben Stiller (at least, when Ben Stiller has been funny - i.e. Zoolander/There's Something About Mary/Tropic Thunder… not Night at the Museum or Envy)? Adam Scott, however, is hilarious.