Jess C

Before tonight, I wasn't a huge fan of Kim; I liked her but wasn't in love with her. She was simply 'all right'. But then that Kim/Chuck showdown scene happened tonight! My love for her shot up to the roof! Kim was such a bad-ass. She countered all of Chuck's points with her smart lawyer skills (demanding evidence and

I don't think Howard is a dick. He is trying to appease the Gods-that-be (from his father to Chuck), even at the cost of his identity and freewill. Howard is a puppet. There are only a few moments where he breaks free from his strings and shows his true self. We first saw it when Howard admitted to Kim who was calling

This is definitely the best episode so far for me. It was hilarious, intense (ex: when Chuck arrives at the firm and the last scene where Kim lays down the smack), and it pulls us further into the direction Jimmy is headed. Now that Jimmy did Mike a favor, I wonder what Jimmy will get in return? O_O I really hope to

LOL, that moment when he left the empty plate outside his door also annoyed me for some reason! He's off living in la-la land, expecting his mom to still cater to his needs like a brat while she's off trying to keep them alive. UGH. I swear, this kid is as bad as Game of Thrones' Olly. e_e

I know. I half-expected Sam to go: "Mom, are we there yet? ARE WE THERE YET???" e_e

Sam had one job to do: play dead. He couldn't even do that. Useless punk. e_e

I think Carol is simply waiting for the right moment to take Sam away from the group to 'look at the flowers'…

I know, right? He's like that annoying kid who repeatedly kicks the seat behind you at the movie theater, right after you think that spot was a good place to sit.

It really says something when baby-Judy has enough sense in her to keep quiet while Sam keeps yapping, 'Mom? MOM? MOM????'

I consider it an art form too. I honestly don't understand why the author of this article had an issue with it looking like a well-choreographed dance. :/ It's a part of the show's aesthetic appeal anyway.

Not sure how to feel. I love the premise of the show and the fights. I don't have a problem with it looking like a dance. It makes the fights both gritty and beautiful to watch. But my problem is definitely the characters.