
Wow…that's so not him. I get its a woman's right and all. But secrets, lies and under handedness just don't work for me in any relationship. It leads to distrust and a lot of bad. In relationships we are suppose to know or learn to know who the other person is….the light and the dark. . Experience the roses with the

She's still behaving secretive in a committed relationship. Or has the definition/expectations of a committed relationship changed? Aren't you suppose to share with your partner?

Yes. Throwing low blows. Because she can't address the real issues…diverting when Fitz try to zoom into her issues. Coward and childish behaviour

Hear Hear!! Totally agree

Coerce?? Olivia is the most assertive character on this show. Iro their relationship, she's made most of the decisions. Fitz just followed her wishes, all through the seasons. I doubt he would've coerced her.

Why hide it then? Why not just come out and say it? Abortion is a traumatic experience. …wouldn't you want your love and support with you? He's always forgiven her and listened to her reasoning. Maybe he'd be understanding and supportive. Too underhand for my liking. Also not healthy to keep secrets from your partner.

After the fact then. As much as it was her prospective baby, it was his also. I think given their relationship, she shouldve discussed it with him. Olivia is full of secrets….quoting Fitz…you just this bundle of dirty little secrets..eg..Rowan being her father, election rigging, Not forgetting they decided in Vermont

She basicly lived there before he had her stuff brought over. And she still had her freedom. She wasn't a prisoner. She was so free she could get an abortion. And we don't know what she told him in episode 8, Fitz could've thought it's necessary for her safety to move her in, as a means of protection. Considering the

Abusive relationship? Olivia is more the abuser than Fitz. She is secretive, sleep around, non communicative etc. I don't like this new Liv. So controversial. Declare undying love 1 minute, abortion the next. In what universe is love just moonshine and Roses? Fitz was trying to make their relationship work. Even Liv