
It was rhetorical not a question since you also answered it. Good Gravy go away….

Ask Him yourself. You will have the opportunity. I am certain you will have a little chat before your departure.

Oh and as for "Excuse you" we have too, unfortunately

Poor baby? That's the most infantile, belligerent nonsense. Afraid? Nope, just far more character and integrity than you. Simple, no need for a brain surgeon. HHT, just simply no need to be a puke and a reprobate, you know, like you present yourself.

Please feel free to take your own advice, for you it fits and I am certain you know that my trying it many times before. Tell Leonard hello for those of us who really appreciated his talents

They are filled with types like all of us and you miss that point too. Mocker (Check) Angry (Check) Bitter (Check) and as you said: Yes I get to speak for God and I can because I have His word to speak from.
Farewell and hope you find him in that very dark and lonely place. We all have that need for Him built in, so

Imagine that there are and were more people who knew and know that Christ Jesus not only existed, but was the Son of God, then who know you, know about you or believe you exist. I only know because of this specific exchange, otherwise you make no impact on me or the world, which is the opposite of what Christ did in a

Idiois no wonder you are so angry and bitter, after being raised by "Christians". No wonder you are so filled with blame and hate. Narcisitic people like yourself do not want even their parents telling them anything, so they then turn on God to make Him imaginary. God forbid you should have a moral compass or a

Yeesh if He were imaginary how would you know if He carried the Cross and oh BTW: We all are supposed to carry our own. He took our sins, not our crosses

Isn't that the truth. Imagine even trying to use the Thesaurus doesn't help.

Yes and you miss that point too. BTW: He died willingly for you and this is the way you repay and honor Him for that sacrifice.

Clearly not you and your ilk. That is the only way for you to communicate and the rest of us feel sorry for you that at some point in puberty you were stunted by some traumatic event, that left you at the age it happened.

I am? Thanks for the complement!

Reprobates, as in your case don't need clarification. You have it down pat. Thanks for sharing the mentality of the toilet you live in and around. Now worries. You must be proud to be a puke, but then I guess in your case it's better something than nothing.

Amen! Insightful comment. Thanks!

They won't nor will you.

The Majority of people posting here are the "Cream of the crop progressive liberals" and it is so sad to read some of their posts. Imagine not being able to articulate a thought or have an intelligent exchange without the filth and four letter-isms. That in-itself is the real "REVEAL" and substance of this site.