
or her having PTSD can show that she needs to find inner balance within herself in order to bring balance to the world?…nothing's easy for Korra apparently :\

traumatized badly as Korra?…I guess, but it never went into depth with Aang…with Korra, you can clearly see she's struggling to get back to how she was BEFORE she went through trauma :\ she was basically kidnapped, tortured, poisoned, suffocated, and then she died temporarily..Korra had to deal with everything

"I have PTSD #thestruggle"…PTSD is very serious ya know? …uhhh I didn't know learning lessons and overcoming them every time was crap?? so you don't like what Korra represents then?…cuz to me, Korra is the very embodiment of strength and perseverance…always constantly struggling and persevering through new conflicts

I don't like how some ppl seem to forget that Korra JUST healed (but after today's episode, I don't think she's healed mentally/emotionally) and hasn't been in any major fights or battles for 3 lonnngg years…of course she'll be rusty -__- I also don't like the fact that some ppl seem to not notice that Korra WAS about

Korra already acknowledged fighting first always made things worse for her so she's trying a different and non-violent approach :\ I wouldn't say Korra's gullible but more of emphasizing with what Kuvira's going through…both Korra and Kuvira are exactly the same so Korra relates to her struggles and that's

but I noticed Suyin technically didn't even know about the truce…didn't Korra go back to Zao fu looking for Su to talk to but she had already left for Kuvira's camp…so she didn't know about the agreement for a truce at the time…that's when I realized that Kuvira was really clever when she offered a temporary truce to

I cringed so many times when she hit the ground or when Kuvira attacked when there was an opening >< frustrated FOR Korra LOL

I was cringing a lot and I felt frustrated for her as well :\ bet she felt frustrated too during the fight…

must be some deeper problem affecting her :\ I had a feeling Korra's healing process wasn't over just because she took out the rest of the poison…

but dayum, did you see how many times Korra hit the ground and got back up after a few seconds? o.O….I was like "she sure can take a punch" lol

I was cringing everytime but damn she got up fast, like a few seconds after hitting the ground o.O…I was like dayummm, stay strong Korra LOL

but she was about to squish Kuvira with that giant boulder…then the Dark Korra showed up again -___- I honestly believe she would've won that battle if Dark Korra did appear :\

"I'm so disappointed in you, Junior"….ouch ><

Korra was unconscious too after being trapped…I'm pretty sure Kuvira would've killed Korra if Jinora and Opal didn't step in :\…some ppl were saying that Kuvira just wanted to threaten Korra even more while she was trapped…and I'm like "but she's unconscious, is she going to threaten an unconscious Avatar?" LOL

sooo just wondering, what did you think about Korra struggling to get past her emotional and mental scars?….cuz for me, this was an amazing episode that showed just how bad of a place Korra was in …even after 3 years :\ …this episode wasn't just about identity but trying to get past real physical and mental