Dickhead Killjoy

but we're all such big fans of using the c-word

Hormel Bacon sponsored the Kinja transition? Man, they're really pushing their greasy luck.

House Killjoy: Bowed, Bent and Broken

Never enough chairs.

*checks watch*

One can only hope.

How bout Tackle

sad upvote

whatever it is, millennials are killing it!

any room in there?

Been a while since we've seen a "Comments Disabled" story. Troubling times.

Allergic to whimsy? My doctor says this is unpossible!

Guess we'll have to wait 'n see.


Whoo-boy, thanks for sharing. Horrifying.

Ugh, that's gotta be a tough convo.

True, true.

All in due time, all in due time.

Yeahhh, that was kinda irresponsible, but hindsight is 20/20.

It's almost cyclical. Huh!