Dickhead Killjoy

couldn't get past s1 and it's Hartnett problem.

Buck for the win!

Alan Smithee proudly presents…

Hell, AVC just ran the series on friggin' Air Bud and yet what pops up on the list?

Too. Many. SKITS.

still don't understand what the hell "SyFy" means

I still enjoy it, in all it's weird, trashy French glory.

BTS still tour pretty regularly and are a real treat to see live. I've seen 'em three times and they never disappoint.

Reboot incoming, probably. What is dead may never die, these days…

Enough with the Air Bud already, c'mon.

I stuck with it for s1, didn't care for most of it, dropped it. Too much good TV out there.

I liked it when Justified did this early on. Don't focus so much on one or two characters. Think they only did one or two eps like that, in fact.

Do a "story of the week" with different residents. Cool.

Starz or Cinemax would make for a good home for this methinks. Good trashy fun.

1997 week! Huzzah, muthafuckas!

Oh cool, so Trump IS good for comedians.

Wonder if the LV cops checking on Dougie's fingerprints rang any alarms over at the FBI…

Same, I don't really want to see Dunkirk. Too much exposure to war on a daily basis.

Oh no doubt. I would never, ever go to a Yes tribute band show.

Ohhhh sweet alcohol, both the greatest and worst drug ever.