Dickhead Killjoy

he's king midas….in reverse!

He'll have is own reality show in no time, don't you worry your pretty li'l head, Jose.

AHhhh! You got me! Yeah, Storm in Heaven, me thinks? Northern Soul. Good stuf.

easy there, ashcroft

Oh, I see. No, indeed.

You didn't patent it, so go suck an egg!

Fletch reboot maybe? I can't remember and am too lazy to Bing it.

Drugs help.

I think they were/are kicking around an Ed Helms Naked Gun?

They did some weird marathon thingie. Thought this was gonna get cancelled, but here we are!

love that saying. And the middle people are actually proud of that. I do not miss PA much.

We don't need a Naked Gun reboot. We have this and it's so damn great.

You will and you'll like it!

Fuckin' cincinnati!

During the '92 Super Bowl!

I spent some time near BC, it is not a particularly pleasant place. It's beautiful, but…

The Ornery, Syphilitic Dickhead Killjoy.

Rochester will get it's due, one day!

PA is giving them a run for their money lately. Specifically Bucks County.

I love that he has railed against the fed gov't for years and the moment he gets a nibble, off to DC! Hi-larious.