Dickhead Killjoy

I don't understand how these people still get work! Hollywood boys club, I guess.

*jams a portobello in Eddie's mouth*

Mix well, serve and enjoy!

IT might be fun, but DT is looking pretty bleh. Weren't they kicking around a The Stand redo with McConaghey, too?

Discount Jack Black? Just get Jack Black.

People are so short-sighted and misinformed that they say "Oh, he ditched the GOP. He's a good guy!" and it is such horseshit. It depresses me so much I don't even bother engaging with said people anymore which is even more infuriating, I don't even have the will to fight anymore. Just nod and smile, let them rant on

How do these people keep on getting work…fuck, that industry must be so toxic.

Man, King's work getting adapted like hot cakes lately. All pretty unimpressive.

Whoo-boy, that is some rough stuff.

Gotta find some fungi & watch this.


A co-worker just muttered "I love Joe Scarborough."

Now it's all about over-analyzing the audience with the demographics and the charts and the focus testing. They've gone mad with consultant power! And oy vey, the heat! The theaters are too hot, Charles. Too hot!

Well, now The Fly is ruined for me! RUINED!

Don't put words in our mouths! Or butts!

Why, turns out that gunslinger just had Parkinsons.

Someone talking shit 'bout Don Knotts? GET 'EM!

Gotcha. Jackson was no dummy, he knew how the system worked and reaped the benefits.

At the ending of the Chinese version of Rogue One, all the characters live and are happy, productive workers for the Empire.

Right? I dunno, just feels so forced, like the guy who is always bragging about how much he gets laid.