Dickhead Killjoy

Grumpy times, bela. Grumpy times.

Couldn't have said it better myself

Eh, well, I'm gonna give it a try

Pretty much

Suck it up and get a Reddit account, puto

Kinja is a shitty comment system that other univision sites use. Disqus is going bye bye

Hear hear!


Some asshat from the Sault apparently.

They are true Killjoys.

They just recalled some Bombay Sapphire up here in Canada cause a few bottles were testing as high as 77%.

I like that it started off with bacon and now they're at Spam.

My tip for intro to li'l Frankie: Get yourself some live Zappa. Its just amazing. The you can't do that on stage anymore series is stellar.

Wango tango!

Sexy French Depression indeed.

Hey now, don't drag the Chevy Caprice into this, it didn't do nothing to nobody.

Ahh, Fluxblog is such a treasure. Truly a great job, internet.

Thanks, Joseph Campbell!

Great Job, Internet!