Dickhead Killjoy

Blows my mind every time. I see flag bikinis and towels and such and it is just perplexing.

Fuckin' grade A.

My stomach is churning because I am hungry!

As in "Wanna go halves on a pizza?" and then I eat 99% of it.

Andrew Lincoln!

Sploid is fun, too. But yeah, the mixing of content has not been too kind.

Honestly, I personally enjoy checking in with some Gawker stuff from time to time, just to see what other people are talkin bout. Good barometer!

Which statement is more inflammatory?!

That was handled poorly by all parties, no doubt. Once the event became unmanageable, it should have been cancelled.

Oh-ho! Burn 'em!

True, I won't debate that. Posting inflammatory statements knows no bounds.

No, but as Tower states above, those kids aren't calling for the rape and murder of people. The whole trolling aspect is to get a rise out of people. Most people won't freak the fuck out when someone yells at them to eat more kale.

Sure, but I'm betting donuts that the majority sways a bit more to the right.

"Ate it."

One thing we can all agree on, neapolitan sucks!

is that Michael Rappaport?

What, you expected Sorbo to get a lead role in one the new Marvel movies? Or perhaps a new Hercules movie?

Sorry, nurse, we thought the new doctor was coming in!

Don't get carried away now…

That quote is pretty much a good summation of Everlast's entire career, really.