Dickhead Killjoy

Apparently I need to at least refrain from using those words in job interviews.

Interesting! All very interesting.

Yeah, I recall Homage to Catalonia being pretty clear on his stances, no?

Honest q: Is this new? I've never heard this interpretation before today.

And today I learned there are people that interpret 1984 differently, seemingly to fit their own political ideology. That is quite interesting. A bit terrifying, but fascinating none the less.

I would guess this guy is ROTC

Daaaaamn those PC fanatics!

And that werewolf grew up to be president!

Two way mirrors. Brentwood. Came to the door in a dress.

I always thought a cut of Idiocracy without the narrator would make it way more fun.

John Wayne was a f

Dig that cool Eurythmics soundtrack.

Thanks, Michelle!

A pedophile as the main character?

Banksy strikes again!

Glad to hear.

The Amish would like a word.

Survivors need braces!

With that headpiece, more like a Doloris mindset.

And you know what this means: More Wild 'N Out!