Dickhead Killjoy

And he's a big fan of prostitutes, too!

"Anyone who uses whatever platform they are given to incite violence should be denied any platform."

Hah, ya that movie is total garbage.

Uhhh…you seriously need to do a bit more research on Mr Maher.

I like the occasional dose of Maher, but…I really don't like saying this…there are quite a few similarities, I'm afraid. Islamophobia, gun control, and the death penalty are a few that come to mind. Those three things have massive ties to the disenfranchised everywhere.

*starts singing Cantina song*

I dunno, that Ballad of A Dying Man is pretty darn white & acoustic.


oh wow, yeah, that was bad.

Yeah, I had a feeling they were expanding like crazy, which generally leads to a decrease in quality.

Maybe was it when they expanded? I remember only seeing it in PA for a long time, then it started popping up in Florida and NJ.

I knew it! I'm not fuckin' crazy!

Aw, mom, c'mon! You said you had retired!

Eh, I grew up in Central PA and won't touch the stuff now. Probably it is just me, but it started tasting different in the past decade.

Honestly, I'm broke and unemployed. That $5 is looooong gone.


Woah, how meta!

I like that the new Coen Bros Mercedes ad straight up shows what a sell out Peter Fonda is.

Jon Hamm has his own beer? Huh!

Guess who owns Goose Island