
I was horrified that Hank wasn't even permitted a dying word or two. How he and Nick didn't get to have a final buddy cop moment is beyond me. I will admit, I didn't think much of Russell Hornsby's acting at first, but by the end of the second season (I think) I realized he shines when he has HIGH drama to sink his

This is the wittiest group of viewers ever! Love these comments.

That finale was the BOMB!! My heart was in my mouth the entire night. Not a false note in the script, performances, or editing the entire night. I knew Meisner was too good to make it through all of this, but it was great having him on the show. I do wish he and Adalind could have had some closure to what clearly

Cleopatra - my favorite movie.

Bitsie was fun as a baddie, so I guess I won't mind seeing her in that capacity for a few episodes. Just a few. Absolutely NO backsies with trying to redeem and re-integrate her character into the show long- term. I also predict a witchy-poo showdown between her and "look out, this witch is back, too" Adalind at