Jeff Chang

"speech is reasonably regulated all of the time"

"How are you posting right now without money!"

So if a conservative got into office and their was a election for federal gay nondiscriminations protections with local LGBT groups wanting to elect a LGBT firendly congressman, it would not be a violation of free speech to the the group that could only spend X amount of dollars?
Maybe they need regions 1,3, and 4 but

Oh. So the government telling you can only spend $75 for campaign phamplets instead on $125 is not limiting your speech?

Sen Cruz comments are hyperbole but his point is correct.

But money and speech are inexorably linked. How can one effectively speak without money? HOw will one purchase ad time? Pay for pamphlets?

"Cruz's latest bombast came out "during the ongoing debate over a Democrat-proposed bill that would counter the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision"

Then if Oprah campaigns for a political issue she must have more rights than I do.

Actually the money is used to fund a legal form of political opinion, thus speech. Just like how the ACLU donated money to fight prop 8

I know MONEY has nothing to do with speech. Just look at how unicorn farts bought me pamplets that advocates for gay marriage, a radio ad for gun control, and a Youtube intro commercial for global warming awarness.

Actually the proposed amendment will limit free speech.