Patrick Hayes

Harrow County is the best thing on the stands for me. Hopefully once the show gets moving (but it's SyFy so…) people will start giving it some attention.

The Jayhawks version of "Lights" is my favorite recording from that era of the band. Fantastic guitar solo.

Jonah and I hate the same things. That's nice.

Fuck they broke up before I knew they were together

I like the songs but the sound of the album is still The Grand Theatre Vol3 (or blame it on Gravity Vol 4 if you like)

Why are you bragging about reading comics in PDF format?

Which part of the comic's plot would Terminus be a stand in for? Alexandria? Seems unlikely.

Comic book only got crappy around issue 100. Up until then they had a good thing going.

Fuck…. I agree.

Wrong era Pepsi machine in the laundromat caught my eye since they never seem to mess that up.

Does anybody care that I didn't care to read the article?

Ben Nichols (of the band Lucero) "The Last Pale Light in the West" - the song used in the episode is the title track from the record, good stuff.

The song was from an album based on the Cormac McCarthy novel "Blood Meridian", kind of funny to see it used on a zombie show.

Uncle Tupelo's Anodyne made '93 for me.

Wha????? Draw the Line has some choice cuts.

Wha????? Draw the Line has some choice cuts.