Andy Wall

He’d always made subtle allusions to his kidney issues

I am here to comment on this

Complete tinderbox for sure

Burning Man is awesome and like so many things don't knock it till you try it

For me it works all the time, possibly to a fault. The only way to be rational about end-of-life risks you might take is how your own decision, if you were to perish, would be absorbed by those around you. If my family heard that I died in an accident like this, I would hope that they would (mostly) take the position

@AngryPicard:disqus Well no I wouldn't think someone dying was a good thing, but yeah, afterward, I would tend to lean toward not re-upping on efforts to regulate western re-enactment bars. I guess it's a spectrum - maybe, if you advertise and freely accept money for entertainment, then you should be under the gun and

Yeah I'm seeing that it reads that way. That's not how I feel.

No my point that is just that your own safety is an assumption that you make based on known quantities. Have you ever been to Burning Man or to a warehouse place like this was? I will humbly say I could have easily died there last night because even though I acknowledge, for example, a tinderbox situation in places

Do want to clarify that this isn't an effort to assign blame to those who suffered here. It is strongly about my ideals of self-reliance and anti-litigation etc. etc. It is most importantly the last part of what I was saying about the effect this is going to have and the hope that this isn't a mini 9/11 backlash

The most decent and respectful thing you can do is be clear with your thoughts as soon as you have them in order, and not harbor shit. I did and that's why I wrote this.

It is absolutely informed consent, at least the version that I believe in. That's kind of my point… our standards as a society are pretty low for situational awareness and that's what the media is going to run with on this.

You should just say it man

I am happy to have spent time at this place and I will start by saying that they built one of the coolest, most unique interior spaces for living, working, and entertaining that I have ever seen. The stairs made from pallets were fucking rad.

get psyched for Kyle Kinane. Just went to his standup in SF last night and it was phenomenal. Brand new shit.