Just Nut Up and Die Alone

I don't really get the Romulans. They don't really seem to have a clear identity in the way Klingons, Cardassians etc. do. Based on the only two memorable Romulan episodes I've seen so far ('Balance of Terror' and 'Defector'), I'm going to sum them up as … dicks? But sometimes noble and elegiac dicks.

'The Enemy'? Really liked it - best episode of TNG so far. Loved the Geordi-Bokra (?) interaction, loved the fact that it ended somewhat subtly and without hammering you over the head with a 'message', loved angry Riker (seriously, does that guy ever get an actual personality?), loved loved loved the whole Worf plot

'Civil Defense' is fantastic. 'Meridian' will rank among humanity's greatest crimes.

'Civil Defense' is fantastic. 'Meridian' will rank among humanity's greatest crimes.

Sorry, but Zach is right and everybody else is wrong: 'Children' is at least tolerable, while 'Paradise' is excruciating. And I genuinely think everyone who is disagreeing hasn't actually watched them in a while.

Four years late but what the hell …

Four years late but what the hell …


'House of Quark'

'House of Quark'

Oh my god
I was wrong
It was earth
All along!