Jack Brooks

And now there are 100 other Thawnes aware of Earth-1. Pick any one of them (a lot like 100 other Harrison Wells), and Matt Lescher can re-appear using a different persona.

We don't need more than one competitive singing show at a time.

Tina, get real. A lot of college-aged white woman are looking dead-on at Trump's agenda….and applauding.

"No, Dylan doesn’t sing as well as Tony Bennett" is very kind.

Couldn't Dahrk "magic" Thawne into mid-air?

Another flaw was why the Legends were able to subconsciously half-remember original reality. Presumably a person's subconscious is included in the "reality" that the spear re-wrote. It would have made more sense to say that their months in the time-stream altered their brains. The spear only altered the earth's

I agree about the Chronos thing. In fact, that's what came to mind when Snart was insulting Mick. Mick spent an undefined amount of years hunting people through the time-stream, doing it alone, and operating his own time-ship. He basically became Boba Fett. He is an expert, relentless hunter, and able to make

The characters on Flash have been chocking down the stupid pills all season long.


Was it deliberately meant to express Danny's cluelessness? I.e., the viewer is *supposed* to gasp? I find it hard to believe that the modern (liberal) Hollywood screenwriter would miss this.

So? Shoot him anyway! Unless you're meaning that Barry, as a character, thinks those facts mean it would be wrong to kill him.

Juan Williams denied the CNN report.

Show keeps coming up with stupid story devices, especially to drag the plot out to the full season. They should do like Agents of SHIELD, and have mini-arcs within the over-all season.

I'm with Joe West (from a previous episode): two bullets into Grodd's head, and we're done. He's a telepathic, homicidal super-gorilla! He can't be 'cured."

But they learned he was alive, somewhere along the way. The Berlanti shows don't do a good job of having their characters act in ways that make emotional sense. The characters do whatever is needed to make the episode's plot happen.

It was ridiculous in the first place that the Danvers sisters have left their dad in the clutches of Cadmus all this time. If this series operated in a world where characters act in ways that make sense, Kara, Alex, J'onn, the DEO, plus the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, the CIA, the FBI, and the Mouseketeers would

It was sad in the 1960s, just like today then. Well, who knows, I won't judge — maybe her folks *did* love her, and she was the one who was wildly careening.

I had an odd reaction to this interview. I'm reading it, and all I can think is: Did this poor woman not have parents who cared where she was or what she was doing?

I don't know. After Grodd, you know, existing, and wreaking havoc before, and all the other bizarre things that have happened (like the singularity), I would think the mayor would give Barry a serious listen. I know, it's silly. A gorilla army could be gunned down by a well-armed citizenry. This must be an

I can't reply to what you said, since you didn't truthfully reply to anything I said.