Jack Brooks

Strange would be alert to manifestations of K'un L'un powers in Manhattan, I would think.

Actually, that's true.

Wow, what a cheerful, charming man!


Of course he's a man. Being an alien doesn't change that.

A storyline starring a Time Lady? Could be great! But women and men aren't psychologically interchangeable, as if they're just chess-pieces painted different colors. And, I wouldn't be interested in a female Sherlock Holmes or a male Elinor Dashwood, either.

I have no problem with it being a woman. And this actress will probably do fine. I would like it if they brought back Doctor Donna, or the Rani (or a new character). In the same way I didn't mind the female Thor in the comics. They didn't turn Ordinson into a woman, Jane Foster was/is her own person. But I very much

I think I'll be in the minority when I say, I feel no problem with a female Time Lord (I actually would be very interested in a series about that), but I don't like messing with classic characters. I also don't mind legacy characters — like Jane Foster (in the Thor comic) becoming the Thunder Goddess was OK by me.

No thanks.

In other words, people who only want to laugh with their kids and have a good time at the movies will enjoy this. People who want stuff that is dark, twisted, and surreal will not like it. Honestly, I'm fine with that.

That kid was Peter Parker as much as Dumbledore was gay.

I think that giant bird in the Pixar short, that sat on the wire and intimidated all the other, normal little birds, was supposed to be Brad Bird.

Too much jokiness sapped suspense clean out of the film; and Guy Pierce was no Loki. He wasn't even up to par with Whiplash from IM 2.

Restrained shrug? Hardly. Surprised-but-hearty applause is more like it.

The lead character of the original Mummy was Imhotep, played by the brilliant Boris Karloff, not Frank Whemple, the bland heroic love-interest. It was a stalker movie, but with a mystical mummy. This movie sounds like it turns the whole thing inside-out and backwards.

John Belushi infamously said it.

I hated The Family. It was like they were trying to put on a bad Tennessee Williams skit about a bunch of hateful losers, with Mama the worst of all.

They could say that Ares captured their life-essences as he defeated each one, and now that he's dead they all break loose from wherever, and go looking for new hosts.

Not sure I believe the Greek "gods" are all dead. Hippolyta was wrong about a number of things.

1. Why did Iris' appearance change?