Dick B

Don't forget the classic, "Speaking of BLANKS, when also have *insert name of celebrity who vaguely matches the description* here."

Really? I'm never surprised to hear when BET finds ways to sink to even lower levels of broadcasting.

Eh, I chuckled occasionally, but this was very average for It's Always Sunny. C+ from me.

Turns out that Stephen Colbert was nothing but a corporate fucking shill for pistachios.

Holy Man!

"Neeson, playing off of his size and heft to create momentum… [makes] good on his name."

Don't play dumb.

Don't worry, I'm a relative of one of the guys who owns The Onion. I'll tell you when I win.

This offer is not just limited to people who live in or around Chicago, is it?

That was actually a song before it was in the movie though.

What is this nonsense?

"Fucking amateurs!" - Walter Sobchak