
Oof baloof.

There's a reason why Mexico is currently the "fattest country in the world."

Tanisha Gets Married. Bad Girls Club. That rap song with the guy who says a bunch of girl names. I'm watching the early episodes of 30 Rock and Tracy mentions Tanisha.

Every hot guy in movies and tv shows.

You're in the doghouse, mister.

What! How was that a joke? How come every time I think we're passing a major milestone in our relationship, you were just "joking?" The first time you told me that you love me, it was a joke. The first time you asked me out, it was a joke.

I only got one question for you: Were you smiling when she started to cry?

Good good good.

Wait. I just remembered that you did ask me out one night. I waited until like the night after to give you my answer. Every girl you wanted to go out with, you've asked out.

Richard Ayoade is also in the movie. He's in scenes with Nick Frost. I think he plays a minion or thug or something. I haven't seen the movie. I just really like to know who voices what in animated movies.


Awww. It's legit good, yo. My favorite is the Asiago Cheese Chicken Club with Bacon.

I didn't know you liked KFC so much. I didn't even know they have KFC where you live. Maybe I just confused it with Bojangles. Anyways, that gif is still racist.

It happened again and it's waaaaay too loud to be a fly. Or even a wasp.

Update on the update: Guys guys! The thumping/flopping noise is now coming from the living room. This is a bit scary.

Maybe. That's what I'm starting to think but it didn't seem like it was coming from the lamp shade. Though, I don't the best sense of where sounds come from.

Happy Birthday, Lloyd. ABC. Always Be Cool.