
Sounds delicious and fun. In that order.

I know I'm lactose intolerant but I haven't had more than a little glass of milk in a long time. I barely remember what happens when I do. The symptoms came back and they came hard.

I don't eat popcorn often. I get obsessed with popcorn but doesn't let me eat it a lot. There's no food on my bed. Well, tiny annoying crumbs sometimes.

The last time I showered (other than just now) was Wednesday. That's a very normal schedule for me. I don't worry too much about hygiene, but I am trying to regulate shower days.

This is my technique: Eat a lot of popcorn in bed. Then reap the rewards up to several days later.

Happy birthday, Forest Stewardship Council!

I don't want to scare NerdInTheBasement with boring day-to-day comments that we sometimes post, but HOLY SHIT! This guy brought over some empanadas and ceviche that was sent from my mom. I ate a bite from the ceviche and holy sweet mother of yezus, it was spicier than anything I've tasted. Turns out, although it

You know me so well. You schools seems so nice, I want to live there. I wish schools like that existed.

SBT uses it sporadically so take that as you will.

For some reason, the thing that boggles my mind the most about the movie is that Shawn's dad from Psych wrote and directed it.

One more because for some reason, there's not enough evidence in the whole that can prove to me that this move actually exists (or will exists later this year).

There's a Christian Mingle rom-com movie coming out.

Aren't we all.

I think I left out the impact that Community had on me. My whole sense of humor changed with the show. I don't think I had ever watched a single-camera, non-laugh track show. Without Community, I wouldn't be the giant ball of hilarity and funtimes you see now.I would just be the average size ball of hilarity and

I 'member it. I remember really wanting to like it because my boo, J-Cale, was on it. It was an ok pilot. I liked it, though it felt off for some reason. Maybe the jokes were a little low-key, plus I heard that Columbia diploma joke like a million times during the commercials so that joke was already tired. Anyways I