
You're living too close to the sun.

Did you do your poops today? What did you eat? Did you floss? Did you wear sunscreen?

Karmen Ryder M

I even looked up his name but I keep spelling it wrong. File it under 'stpehen" and "buttlikker"

That sounds like Chris Elliot.

Is it weird that imagine the host being Chris Elliot?

Ok ok. Before I give bongoes a heart attack, I should admit that I lied. bongoes has never jizzed at work. But he did jack off in the mailbox at work. Gillian Jacobs walked by and loved what she saw and they banged right there on the concrete floor.

Oh shoot. I shouldn't have said that here. EVERYONE GET OUT

Awww. Honeybear, did you jizz in your pants at work again?

Spoiler Alerts!

Don't worry, dude. I'll be wearing gloves. It won't be too messy.

Hannibal is the Alpha!

I'm going to get a like a download of the movie, cut open your pretty eyes with a scalpel (don't worry, I've cut an eye with a scalpel before), put in the movie, and somehow close the eyes. What do you think, can I sew it shut? Or do I have to smear glue on it? Eh. I'll figure it out.

Winston could have just been the first dog to finish. If he's the Alpha, he would have had the first go at the meat

I need a scalpel.

Imagine bringing in Mason in S&M stuff on the show. That would be really against the tone set in the show, but still hilarious.

Awwww. Blood brothers! I've already done your blood brother thing for you. You're welcome.

CZ! Scatter!

Oh boy. Time to get you some help, buddy. I know a great guy. He also draws, composes music, and makes the best food I've ever had. You'd like him.

What is it? I barely ever notice small details.