
Our CZ mom. I guess we have two moms. Cat and Semi, and since Semi is encouraging your outrageous behavior, I suppose Cat should be alerted instead.

Ew. I'm telling mom.

So Rosemary's baby is REALLY, REALLY stupid.


SATURDAY: 4 AM - "Hannibal"

Yeah it does. Hot stuff

The best kind of inside jokeā€¦

Awwwww. You definitely look AT LEAST 20. (Does this count as an inside joke?)

You'll pay for that later tonight.

Oh, I'm only gay for one person. Not bongoes. Her name is Life.

I thought the pain in your side came from loving me so hard that your body is shutting down. Well then.

Now that Friends with Better Lives is over, James Van Der Beek can finally find a real job.

Oof. Does not look good for Jack.

I'm just happy that this season won't end in some sort of unresolved cliff-hanger. IT GONNA BE GOOD

I started half an hour in. I probably should rewatch it.

I started half an hour in. I probably should rewatch it.

JESUS CHRIST! That's cannibalism!

Scottabot Saucerman?

His story checks out. My job here is done.

He nailed the Britney Spears bit.