
Should I feel offended?
I don't get offended very easily, but the commercial just told me that I'm not worthy enough to eat one of their hamburgers. NO ONE TELLS ME WHAT I CAN AND CANNOT EAT, except for maybe my doctor… sometimes.

Whoa. He's been on tv since 1926? That's legit right there.

Awww. I know, I hate missing Bob's Burgers every week.

I keep peeing a little every time I get a coughing fit. TMI, amiright.

You guys are ruining my street cred.

We're moving to Washington.

98% Washington

I doubt it, stinky butt.

Cool. Coolcoolcool. Hey, did you cut your hair?

I saw i…. nothing. Hey, am I supposed to be early today? I don't 'member.

I like to think that the social media correspondents for each show have crushes on each other.

I love a lot of things.



How come Jews have so much money?

Awwww. I'm happy that you don't feel bad about watching it.

None of you guys have it worse than bongoes. He binged watched the entire show just to watch the finale live.

I think I'm confident that this movie will be at least a B grade movie. At least it looks like it'll be entertaining, which is all that really matters to me when it comes to horror movies.

This movie might be the one to break my 2 and a half year drought from seeing a movie at a theater. My cousins and I love to watch horror movies.