
Go to sleep you two wayward children.


Well, by recently, I mean the last 5 years of my life.


I have like all three of those things!

And today was the day that I realized that I was Gina from Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I've ignored the signs for too long.


Always look down.

You misspelled "di'net".

You misspelled "airplane".

Not a good year for this tv watcher.

Functionally sane.

Like SBT, the great and wise Joel McHale led me to watching the pilot on the day it aired. The trailers for the show weren't super funny, but I decided to watch anyway because eh, why not. It didn't look bad. I really started to love it because of Annie's plotline in Social Psychology. Troy's weird crawl out of the

The only sane one.

Happy birthday, J-$ Don;t go spending those rapper bucks too quickly, you hear.

I don't know, Dave. My early life was full of disappointments and depression. I probably learned about Death from tv or movies.

What's wrong with your parents? Didn't they trust tv and movies to teach you about death for them?

The day I met Narwhal.

I already said I'll be up for the playoffs. I only have 4 dollars though. Don't I need more for the entrance fee stuff? Also, why do athletes spit into water bottles a lot? I never got that. And headbands. Why do people wear those? They absorb sweat but like you need that sooooo. These are all very important questions

I'm all in. *scoots poker chips to center* I really think I have a good chance of winning these playoffs this year.