
No, they took a more realistic approach to that scene then the perverted one GRRM wrote.

I hope your as disgusted by murder as entertainment then.

You should have stopped after the first sentence but your second sentence just helped prove my point in an early posting. GRRM can fill his books with as much rape, stories of rape, threats of rape as he wants and it is "social commentary" but any hint of it in the show is "misogyny". Why are you okay with all of

"Why is one of the show’s few original characters a relatively two-dimensional redheaded prostitute who ends up dead? "
Your right that Ros is not in the books because if she was she would have been stripped naked, gang raped and then shot with arrows. The main event that sets this whole story in motion involves a

Yea, it felt good to finally get it all out there.

Apparently any image of a sexy woman in a reavling outfit or naked is now some affront to woman, at least according to the blogs I've been reading. These social justice ramblings seem to be the new trend for TV reviewers, True Detective got similar criticisms. I think the new feminist goal is to remove all images of