
I assumed at first that he was a hologram too, haha.

I actually thought the devil cartoon talking to her was amusing, and especially enjoyed that scene where Clive caught her talking to the snack machine, but I guess I am in the minority for thinking that.

If Rob Thomas would stop making references to Party Down and Veronica Mars then maybe I'll stop comparing iZombie to those shows. But until then I can do that as much as I want, and you don't have a right to tell me or anyone else that they can't. You need to get over yourself.

Yes, but Duncan Kane was supposed to be Veronica Mars's true love but that changed when Rob Thomas and the other writers saw that she had better chemistry with Logan Echolls. Who says the same thing couldn't happen on iZombie? Liv probably won't end up with Lowell since he apparently is dead, but who says there can't

I also felt as if Percy Daggs was underused, and that there was too much other stuff going on to fully appreciate his guest appearance.

I think they need to find better ways to integrate the motw into the mythology. The best episodes of the show so far have found ways to make the motw personal for Liv. Veronica Mars was really good at doing that, but it also had bad ratings. I think they are afraid to rely too heavily on mythology for fear that it

I disagree. Major could have been killed instead of Lowell. That would have caused the same result of making Liv's fight against Blaine personal, and would have had even more emotional resonance since Liv thinks of Major as the love of her life. I'm sure she will be upset about Lowell's death, but Major's would make

I think they should have killed Major instead of Lowell. His death would have hit Liv even harder than Lowell's death, and could have also served as a call to action against Blaine. But obviously the showrunners like Robert Buckley too much to want to kill off his character, and probably want to keep him alive as end

That totally reminds me of Buffy The Vampire Slayer and when Buffy walked in on Spike having a chat with her Mom during Becoming in Season 2.

Veronica Mars drew me in with the pilot and I was hooked from then on, where as iZombie has been much slower in gaining the same reaction from me. I enjoy it and will keep watching but I think VM was much stronger out of the gate. What made the Lily Kane arc so powerful was the personal connection that Veronica and

I think Blaine is more like Spike from Buffy The Vampire Slayer than he is Logan. He is pretty soulless, and Logan had a soul. It is explained why Logan can act like a psychotic jackass pretty early on in VM and it is not because he is soulless but because he came from an abusive home. The way that Blaine feels no

Lord of the Bling is the episode where they show flashbacks to how Veronica stops being friends with a girl because of Lily being angry that the girl kissed Logan. The girl admitted it was a mistake and asked for forgiveness but Veronica was totally dismissive towards her and it was because Lily pressured her to be.

It could be Henry if Casey broke up with him again, he lost his job at Party Down and he couldn't revive his acting career after all. He got stuck in a drunken haze and wandered up to Seattle. That is depressing though and I hope that wouldn't happen to the character.

I loved that reference to Party Down! I am glad that some other people noticed it and I wasn't the only one.

Joshua Jackson has been my dream guy since Dawson's Creek, and I was pretty upset how they made him look like a rapist in one of the first episodes of the Affair. On both Dawson's and Fringe, he was a good guy, so it is hard for me to imagine him not being one, and I did not like Cole at first because of this. But now

I think Season 1 of Veronica Mars is the best and that Season 3 is the worst, as most other people here seem to think, but I also think Season 2 is very underrated and doesn't get as much appreciation as it should. I do think there are some brilliant episodes in Season 2. I Am God and Not Pictured especially stand out

I agree about Season 3 of Buffy being pretty darn close to perfection, but Season 2 had some standalone episodes that I think broke the momentum of the season's arc. Don't get me wrong, I love Season 2, especially since I am a huge Spike fan and I love the Spike-Dru-Angelus triangle, but episodes like Ted, Bad Eggs,