
"Ultron wants to wipe out most of humanity so that only, to weed out the weak, and only the strong and adaptable survive."
what? all humans are the same. how will anyone survive?

yeah i bet it was really risky for a movie filled with a shitload of jokes and a death that's treated as a joke to have a line, about how humanity is doomed, that most people won't even remember

Twilight killed vampires so they're turning them into the more popular zombies.

I thought pa Kent didn't want him to be a hero because it was too dangerous at that age. Now he needs to find himself first?

And he was still sitting on his ass when he was 33.

That's why I hated the avengers and generally dislike marvel movies. What's the point of all the last minute cgi orgies if there's no tension?

They had a few jokes but I don't remember one that landed. The jolly rancher scene where Lex says he wants the dead alien for testing and then says "fine I'll make do with zod" could've been funny but it just comes off as weird.

Thomas Wayne is a rich asshole drunk on privilege and movie whiskey and tries to push the street trash Joe chill away.

I don't think they need to have their own movies first. They could introduce them like wonder woman was introduced and give them their own movies(not prequels) but they could've been more creative with cameos like a flash video on a computer when batman was searching for kryptonite in lexcorp.

yeah, he was stopping a vigilante from killing helpless victims who're using machine guns and RPGs.

Is it? It happens right as we're building up to the climatic fight. The videos are hilarious(not in a good way). Also marvel has earned goodwill.

Let's see. He let's a bunch of Russian criminals who're firing machine guns get away so he can have a dick measuring contest with batman. He smashes a man through two walls because he threatened his girlfriend. He was going to murder luthor before he was told the rules.

Let's see. He let's a bunch of Russian criminals who're firing machine guns get away so he can have a dick measuring contest with batman. He smashes a man through two walls because he threatened his girlfriend. He was going to murder luthor before he was told the rules.

No. Using a rope to fight villains would look stupid on screen.

This is my normal account.

Helpless victims? He didn't realize that his victims were all criminals? And they were using machine guns and RPGs.

So a rope is an offensive weapon?

Yeah after she was trying to run away.

How did Thor's bath scene harm the movie? It just felt pointless to some people but it didn't harm the movie. Wonder Woman watching a bunch of teasers from the future movies is extremely stupid.

Let's see. He let's a bunch of Russian criminals who're firing machine guns get away so he can have a dick measuring contest with batman. He smashes a man through two walls because he threatened his girlfriend. He was going to murder luthor before he was told the rules.