
Yeah, there's so much new material now.

Really? I guess you missed all the TDKR and death of superman aping? And movies aren't slaves to what is currently going on in the comics. Comics change because of changes in the movies or to market the movie.

Lose money as in have a bigger drop off than batman and robin

But this is the first Superman that's relatable! Even though, the movie holds him so far away and bashes our skulls in with Jesus imagery and parallels.

The funny thing is, that's exactly what I was thinking when he shooed her away. "What if he dies before that? What about her money?"

"Felicity, if I can't get the nanotech to disperse the inoculant, THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE IN THIS CITY WILL DIE.
What? No! Ray, Oliver! It's one life against the city's.
You're right, she stopped because of the stakes and not because of what HER Oliver would do.

I don't really care about the whole deep/not deep argument. As for being well done that depends on your taste. Some people liked the warehouse fight scene in BvS and some like me prefer the Nolan ones.

More fun than guy who likes superman turning back time/guy who says batman should be raped in prison, you say?

I am pretty sure chasing after a convoy, towing and smashing cars and then throwing them on top of others cars would make it murder and not self defense(as fans like to call it)

I am pretty sure chasing after cars, towing and smashing them around and then throwing them on top of other cars would be called murder and not self defense(which I think you'll argue)

Really like? It was sexual. Snyder doesn't mind distasteful things like that.

Great, enjoying watching that.

Perfect about the historical timing. Trump figure would be more relevant these days.

Different tastes, I guess. He talked about how batman vs superman would be a stupid idea and would indicate that the genre is taking its last breath. He might have said it in an interview about Batman begins where his tone was all "this is deeper than those comic books" before doing a complete 180 for BvS.

No, he was murdering the criminals while chasing the kryptonite.

A creature of incredible power na I don't think he knew how intelligent the creature would be.
Daddy's fists and abominations.
It was physical and sexual.

This wasn't just a mistake. He created a creature and just assumed it would follow his commands. That did not leave a good first impression and was completely unnecessary.

And wasting time revenge stabbing someone isn't a waste of time?
Why didn't he shoot Kgbeast as soon as he broke thru the wall?
No, it doesn't make you indestructible but it does protect you from gunfire.

Because Stark doesn't have a no kill rule.
Stark was only killing when it was required.

We being the viewers and fans. My point is the logistics never really make sense in superhero stories. The goal that he's trying to achieve has to make sense.