
if they had just continued with first-class as reboot, things would be much better. in DoFP and after that they have only screwed up the timeline more and more.

i think fassbender is the best actor in superhero movies but ledger's joker is a lot better as a villain.

they weren't trying to be gritty and realistic. they're trying to not get laughed at. people have no problem with scarlet witch's power being "weird" but x-men can't give kitty pryde an ability she has in the comics.

tom hardy

it's still considered immortality.

but absolutely on point

no, she tried to trick him into helping her escape.

The batman show wasn't a serious take on the character. Batman Forever was a lot like it. In TDK , nobody will betray Joker because they're afraid of what he'll do to them. Snyder who claims to be a comics guy should've done better.

Except they are behind. Nobody wants to watch a movie with half a dozen dream sequences that keep interrupting the movie and are only understood by comic book fans.
He's AI. Besides that you can't expect them to explain further when all we know about the tesseract is that it's a cube filled with energy. Vision can be

How does it being strange and weird in-universe help the viewer? They'll still be just as confused. At least with Vision they know he's a hero and has some history with the characters.
The difference is Vision can be explained by watching AOU but those half a dozen dream sequences need some serious comic book

Yeah all the comic references combined with a nonsensical story must've been really friendly compared to a movie where you just go with implied history.

A clown who nobody will betray.

There are varying degrees of immortality. From just chemically prolonged life(Ra's) to being unable to die(Vandal Savage)

Age has nothing to do with it. Immortality means you have eternal life. How that affects your age depends on how you're immortal.

Immortality means you can't die. I am not truly immortal because I depend on a chemical. Eternal youth means you don't age.

Is it bad that I almost want it to happen?

Or maybe Jonathan Pryce's heart just can't take it. I mean look how much trouble the guy playing renly baratheon was having.

I think they had completed pre-production. I think they're gonna do everything they can to make a good movie and unfortunately any damage he has already done to it.

alfred are you my friend?

i think they said affleck has already(unofficially) written the movie. they'll most likely go with his version except for any changes for fans.