
What's even more hilarious is that TDK probably had a longer runtime.

Sadfleck already has a screenplay or something.

And he knew when Bruce needed him on the Batcomputer. That or he decided to spend his time listening to the Donald murder an immigrant in cold blood.

If he is the actual director. I think they might put a leash on him and force him to make a movie according to their/Geoff Johns' plan.

30 minutes of cringeworthy dialogues that's half the time more realistic and half the time more pretentious and cheap version of Nolan's dialogue.

Alfred we need dinner for all the friends I brought over from infinite earths.

Now get aside visionary director Zack Snyder has to film a bunch of dream sequences that only make sense to fanboys.

Sadfleck: you're not overstuffed. Men are overstuffed.

Can you help Lois Lane find the Journalists' room on your way? She would've gone with you but she's not a lady, she's a journalist.

Sadfleck: What ? What does that mean?

Like he keeps screaming in the comics?

The guy who keeps saying cock has to be Snyder. That super-cock we saw on krypton. Those flying dicks used to restrain zod and his soldiers in the phantom zone.His obsession with sex and violence in comics.

He was talking about the Kent's literally moments ago.

Maybe let Superman win the fight and explain ?

You know If you let go of all the fanboy rage, seeing Batfleck freak out over Martha is probably the most entertaining thing in this "movie".

Maybe you can call in Joss whedon next to fill it with quips.

I guess he forgot about the poor when his men were smashing the idols of the other faiths that the poor were selling.

His older brother was Joffrey. His mother is probably overprotective. They dominated him his whole life. What else do you expect?

They should make him the Hand of the King.

Who could blame them? It's Margery after all.