
batman should've been raped in that bhutanese prison in batman begins!
-hack snyder

because it's batman. they might survive another season. and shield is vastly superior to this show right now.

yeah except for all those police procedural episodes and all the shoehorned in your face references to the superhero and his villains.

when azrael was showing his ninja skills and they kept cutting back to that stupid kid I was like " alright godamnit we got it! he wants to become a psycho ninja now!" this show does not know how to be subtle.

firestorm can already solve all their problems. Which is why they have to make up some BS about why they can't use him. They don't need to give him additional powers on this show.

that's because of sh*tty fight choreography.

why would malcolm screw them over when he himself needs ra's dead?
he was teaching oliver and thea sword fighting league of assassins style or did you miss that too?

and then s3 ended with him killing ra's so yeah another way. yeah because he needs to consult his team about whether or not he wants to protect his family. look for another way how? do you know where he can find another student of ra's who would teach him.
i've been watching this series from the pilot. no need to

tdk trilogy made all that money and got universal praise from both critics and asudience.

oliver failed to kill ra's. malcolm was his only option who also wants the same thing. it was stupid.

were the also loved by both the critics and the audience?

hahaha is that why 2 of them made a billion dollars each? the only movie that caters entirely to fanboys is BvS. Btw, the bat fanboys hate the movies because batman wasn't an invincible god who knows every martial art and science in the world and isn't ten steps ahead of everyone.
Is that why DC ignored him when he

there is enough humour in the movies but it works in the context of the movie. It doesn't stand out and kill the tension like whedon's avengers movies and IM:3

so you know a character because you know what somebody else thinks of them? yeah that's gr8. He killed 3 people. Nobody calls that a lot. Did the reviews also say he did that to save people including in its most recent and much maligned episode?

no, it's not complicated at all. And yet, you obviously don't know the characters at all. Barry a heartless killer? Yeah right.
You've never watched a full episode but you know what happened in the episodes.

and a likable actor

well rip atleast serves a purpose even if the writing is sh*t and the actor in unconvincing. carter on the other hand serves no purpose except cause drama between horse girl and discount iron man.

the comic book thor might be more interesting but the movies have been the worst ones in the mcu. like thor, he has a treacherous brother who might end up very popular. He has his parents, loki and the warriors, aquaman can beat that. Not sure if he will.

well we've seen footage from suicide squad and wonder woman. They look very different. Snyder was able to taint the dceu because he was given too much freedom. What they need is a group of people(nolan bros, paul dini, bruce timm, greg berlanti,etc) who will make sure the basic character rules are followed and oversee

well he left his family's picture with savage for a few decades and probably even told him their names. so you're probably not wrong