
well different enough in the tone.

seeing how many times these idiots have failed. i would say he thinks he is invincible even against horsegirl.

i agree but it's safer to bury them somewhere and just forget.

remember when he tore his way through a guy's chest?

i guess he thinks it's safer if he knows where it is ?

well he sure seemed to have a thing going on with the russian firestorm and we've no reason to think he's gay.

he's a weak villain without an archnemesis in the comics. hooking him up with the hawks was actually genius. it's the show and actors who're the problems.

he has already used it. have they released cap 3 yet?

no. cancel the show, send oliver and/or some of his team on legends. do the flashbacks(more interesting) so that the length of the episodes is reduced and they don't have another of these "oh shit we still have three episodes left" moments.

because the same guy has now jumped ship to supergirl and might be in charge of legends as well.

that's because great berlanti is in charge of too many shows. the flash spinoff really hurt arrow. so, they did the logical thing and started yet another spinoff and gave him a cbs show about a superman clone.

stein was so gr8 with his whole space ranger shtick. they should've brought him for his intelligence and not the powers.
firestorm can already single-handedly solve all their problems. i don't think we need transmutation on this particular show as well.

rory was killing it last episode which just shows that suicide squad would've been a better show.

that's how the show can work. they inserted this superhero mission into doctor who without realizing how stupid that is.

they could've done it like a suicide squad thing but having morally grey characters is apparantely too complex for these writers and guggie

maybe it has got to do with where they die?

yeah bcoz that bipolar b*tch is so logical.

but we knew certain things. and other details were revealed over the season. we know more about tempest(merlyn's organisation in s1) than we know about hive.
and the relationship drama wasn't the main plot.

there was a big shift. he stopped killing(sure, vertigo was an exception) and became a real hero.

that's the problem. only merlyn,slade and thawne had detailed plans which were revealed to us over the season and that was one of the reasons we cared.