
they only need to make certain episodes dark not the whole season. s1 was much better.

did you miss all the signs where she got upset over oliver cheating on her with his baby momma? where she was listening to him constantly moping about how unfair it is he can save a city and not have a life with a bipolar discount oracle? they were hinting and/or preparing the viewers for their reconciliation. i am

maybe quentin should've called him!

oliver: bcoz thea shouldn't lose a father !!!!!

i found it insufferable too. and just in case we hadn't suffered even the writers gave that felicity b*tch a blame myself speech too.

sara was really gone too. but they decided to bring her back for legends.

if they bring in hal jordan, maybe he could bang the baby canary. seeing he has a thing for underage teenagers.

he was gonna send a message by putting her to sleep? don't be stupid. he was gonna kill her.

cisco: i did it to save a life. wat about you?

she did complain about working with malcolm which was even more stupid !

even in the show laurel broke up with him bcoz it didn't feel right.

uh, no. they broke up before she screwed oliver.

him leaving after getting normal was really stupid.

that line convinced me guggenhiem has been tripping on some of that shit they're growing on the island.

well i saw the recent episode where hive/ward kills a bad guy's daughter bcoz he betrayed his brother. it had completely ineffective, boring, annoying relationship drama.


it goes down the same way. some asshole dressed in red and blue saves the day and regular people are just useless.

the same reason they lose their shit when comics, transformers and ninja turtles market themselves to teenagers?

iron man 2?

they told him to include the teasers not to stop the movie and show it on a laptop.