Brian Todd

I thought this was one of the worst episodes of this show. Blatantly copying the movie frozen was too much. The rock troll and the ice monster both looked pulled from the movie and it was like watching a cartoon. They should have tried to make this legend their own at least a little.

It must be fun to be famous and fuck with an entire fucked up government.

A talented writer like Goyer should have better things to do than ruin the entire DC movie universe and Justice League when he clearly loathes the genre.

"So Sky, why did you give Hydra the information? Did they torture you, threaten you?" "No. They were going to kill Ward!" "And that's a problem why?"

Utterly Preposterous. I think what made Cap's movie work is that you could suspend your disbelief for the duration, and then it mercifully ended before it sunk in what a bullshit enemy Hydra was. People who look and act like anybody suddenly reveal themselves to be villains. "I'm a hero" then shoots somebody "Now I'm

We must be solemn and respectful of the Hello Kitty industry and Japanese cuisine and not point out that foreigners are weird and eat raw fish because that's wrong.

That must be why Grant keeps murdering people. To maintain cover.

So they gave Cap's movie a B+, then handed out even higher grades to recent SHIELD episodes. Really lowering the bar on TV there. The movie was incredible. The show is not. Some shows go beyond comparable movies. This is not one of them. In every possible way the show pales in comparison to Marvel movies. Acting,

That fixed the finale? I think that fixed the show. All he did was show the scene of "How I met your Mother," which was the point of the show. Kids' question ended in 3 minutes. No need for further explanation.
Really boring video though. Not a great job. Posting one clip, deleting any substance, and hardly adding

Really overusing the word cancelled. They said Psych was "cancelled" after 8 years. More like retired.

Okay hipster genius explain to my why "steakflower" is funny. What does it mean? Where is the joke? Oh I get it, Angus is the name of a steak, right. Simplify it for me Hipster scum.

The show has been renewed for next season. You're welcome.

I just don't get you webhead wierdos and your strange ways of communicating.

I don't think someone should be held up to ridicule for having their own beliefs, just because they used to be a child star.

Why is he calling him Steakflower? Doesn't make sense. I guess people shouldn't have freedom of religion.

My first thought after misreading this headline and not seeing the word "will" and misreading it as "What celebrity deaths make you cry" and seeing Steve Martin's picture, was "whoa, Steve Martin is dead!" and then "Oh, eventually he will be dead and that will then be sad." Bullshit article. Newsflash: People are not

How could the cops have been so trusting of John Laroquette letting him slip away? He was suspicious from the beginning. He created the killbot, and it visited him.

Tv by the numbers predicted cancellation because no further episodes were backordered for the season. They said it is false to presume it is a 13 episode season planned like Sleepy Hollow. Ratings have been okay so it sounds like executive jerks not giving a show a chance

Sounds nothing alike. Roar is way better. Not like Brave is ignored. It is in those annoying Microsoft ads.

Didn't really get this episode. An investigation into a very silly case, then all of a sudden: BTW a beloved cast member passed away. WTF am I supposed to take away from that? All I want to know is WHO IS the Ass Crack Bandit! Pierce is dead and the ass bandit is still free. I wonder if Donald Glover will be killed