
I'd stopped with this stupid thread a long time ago, but had to come back for your silly comment.

Who cares if society becomes a decadent hellhole where everyone cheats on each other and everyone grows up in broken homes? Most people.

Sadly. A compromise could just be to allow voluntary executions since most of them will sign up anyways.

Right, let's spend billions more on prisoners as if $2 million per life inmate isn't enough. As if letting 2,400 Oregonian inmates have flat screen TV's in their cells is "punishment".

"Former prisoners", key word there. In a minimum security prison where they have the possibility of parole, of course.

You have google at your disposal and I don't think you can post links freely here.

WRONG! How much did you wager?

Most criminals on death row make peace with their maker, whichever faith they have. It's a lot better to KNOW when your death is coming so you can come to terms with it, than suffer in a prison hellhole where you don't know when someone will shank you or rape you.

Because suicide is the leading cause of death in all prisons, even the lower minimum security ones and even amongst prisoners with short sentences. And this is when they use shanks and other crude methods to kill themselves.

Well, you're different from many.

So you'd prefer prison rape to a painless needle injection?

American and European marriages, the most "free" in the world are wrought with unhappiness and divorce.

I didn't say it was better, merely that most people would prefer to die than be raped in prison. What's so hard for you to comprehend here?

You moved the goalpost too right there. The point of my argument you didn't address.

All adultery laws apply to both men and women, at least I'm unaware of any country that doesn't.

Not all of them, I just meant most men would prefer to die rather than be raped in prison. I just put an exception there for some weirdos out there (think homo S&M).

That's not a vigilante. He got away with it under the law. If a store owner shoots a criminal you don't call him a "vigilante" (unless his state or city does not allow him to have a firearm). A vigilante *breaks* the law to achieve justice.

The same safeguards against executing a person should be used to prevent that person from being in jail in the first place.

No, sexism surely exists. Although it probably doesn't exist in the laws, it probably exists in that the uncles of the perpetrator shuffle the guy around hiding places, while the pregnant woman with no male chaperone is easily exposed to the police.

Although your argument on the death penalty is a bit cowardly assuming you still approve of life-in-prison.