
I'm chill. My bad. We are all good.

I did apparently misread. I of course have no negative feelings toward a Toronto resident unfamiliar with St. Marks Place, I was unfairly assuming it was someone from the UWS who doesn't venture below 56th street.

Do you live in New York City? If so and you have never heard of St. Marks's Place, leave now.

RIP Harris

I noticed this too.

Ok. Agree to disagree. No hard feelings. Cheers.

If the sitcom bores you so much, and you don't like it, and you do have a life, why did you just waste over 350 words not even talking about the episode in question?

"Panties is a bunch" more aptly describes the person who is unable to distinguish reality from a scripted television show.

You don't sound very fun at all.

This show is horrible and the writing is hilariously bad.

Yes, but apparently he makes an appearance during the live tour. I eagerly await listening this weekend to find out how he got out of the bag.