
When we see the Veil kill the Doctor the first time, the Doctor falls to the ground, but then he explains that it takes a long time for Time Lords to die while he crawls back up to the machine. It takes him a day and a half to actually die — that's that entire sequence when we see him dragging himself up the stairs.

While the Doctor kept repeating his actions, it wasn't actually a timeloop — time kept moving forward. He just physically restored everything (including himself) in the tower with the energy produced by his death… but the only thing that didn't restore was the diamond wall that he was breaking down, bit by tiny bit.

You are a true friend.

I also have worked in professional theatre for years. While I agree that perspective can get lost by individuals in this industry, as it can in others (is that article about the latest trend in women's shoes really that important to the world? really??), I appreciate those who attend to their work with passion and

I mean, you are more than welcome to like what you like and dislike what you dislike, but moaning that other people enjoy something that *you* don't and therefore it should be eliminated and then calling *them* the spoiled ones…?

"No, I don't think it's been done in ASL yet…."

I'm lucky enough to have seen both. My experience was that Allegiance was great performances of some very important ideas and ideals, with some wonderful directorial/design moments as well, but the technical writing (dialogue, character development, plot, lyrics, music) was not as strong as what it was aiming to