dee arr

Indeed! It is a most pernicious idea. I concur with you, my friend. Need I remind anyone that a trade degree, qua trade degree, can never be the equal of the exemplar of humanities degrees, and it may be much its inferior? I suppose that I could explain this is greater detail but I'm afraid that few would grasp it. No

What do you mean 'you people'???

I was making a joke about history majors…the ones I knew are now unemployed or are working in unrelated fields, like food service. Interesting field but does seem hard to get historian work. I see in your earlier comments that you work for Viacom. How does that work? In any case, I would think that someone in such an

Yes, I would like fries with that.

Hoisted on my own petard! I had no idea you were a rocket surgeon.

Something tells me that you were never in the running for valedictorian

this matters.