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    This actually has starting to become my favourite current cartoon!

    While I do sympathies with Wander wanting to carry on his usual routine but even I have to admit defeat! Also it was great seeing the past character like those town people who don't needed help!

    Yeah the possible arrival of Captain Tim got the best laugh out of me .Also I too notice that web scene maybe a reference to The Waste of Time.

    I'm wondering why Yellow Diamond send them to Earth?

    It doesn't suprised me that she has a superiority complex and abit lonely. I knew those bots weren't enough to keep her company.

    I starting to think she has a superiority complex, notice how annoyed she was when the owner ask for an apology or when Syliva asked her to do something. It make me think if she had to summit to something before in her past or something else. Same thing about her view on "friendship" if it's just ordering people

    Yup it was that one.

    The episode remind me of the one when the two enter a door into a white blank but power by their imagination which Wander became obsess with.

    I admit I was on the fence on this episode and it wasn't with the butt jokes, just with Wander can't be serious in grim situation so the ending did suprised me (I originally thought they have no idea how to stop Dominator either).

    Did you know there were comics based on stuff after the Clone War (haven't read them myself before you asked). One of them was Sidious simply capture the defeated Maul (NOT Dooku) and simply torture him. I can guess he somehow escape.

    I never get Carol sense of remorse happening now (yes I know it happen a episode or two ago but I forgot to comment), seen out of character to me. She was fine with killing invaders (The Gorvenor ), canibals and psychopath but bullies???

    It make me wonder how she will react that her plan failed assuming if she does finds out.

    I must admit at this point (well ok sometime before today episode) I have to accept that the A Wings pliots are just the red shirts/ expendable (eventhought they have limited manpower) in this season.
    Also yeah I agreed that AP-5 is just a remodel C3PO but with tatic commands (which we have yet to seen).
    Lastly, did

    So wait, did Red Death resigned from arching Dr Venture so BM/ The Monach is a step closer since he mention about completing his task and then changed his ways?
    I also guess that is also the reason why he won't snitch to the Guild on BM real identity (and also he liked him).
    Also at the moment, I can't see how the

    Thank you for summing it up and explaining it in a well written manner.
    I mean I accept they didn't became a couple but I never think futher into why not.

    I like today episode as it does show a huge contrast to PB (I did agreed with 16 that she could of dissect him to see what make him tick).

    I found today episode so refreshing as the past few episodes got abit too formulated (don't get me wrong, I liked it but it just repeatitive especially the villain I started to liked or was interesting was killed off by accident).
    I also like how in time with the year they are in since the red lunar ecplised happened

    While I know that fourth girl story was purely fanfic but I do like the idea that Wander was originally part of some kind of a normad group and "wander" off.
    This could make sense with that child Wander in the "The Wanders" episode (he was scare and alone when he was seperated from the normad group).
    Still Craig still

    Did anyone else catch that the game Rusty and Hatred were playing before Samson interrupting them was Team Fortress 2?

    So is anyone else that Hate is over with Dominator? In saying so, is he really going to stop her intergalatic destruction??
    Also another thing, I never really get is how come Wander never tried to stop her consqeust (he either try to find out what she like or run away from her). Yes I know he did welcome her at the