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    I bet those three would had loved that dessert and liked Lars just the way he is!

    For those who have follow some part of the fandom, let this sink in abit-
    It was written by Luaren Zuke, who had to close her twitter account due to harrassment/ bullying by the fans over her shipping ideals.
    "Are you serious? Bloodstone, ever since you got here, all you've done
    is boss me around! Who are you to tell

    I admit I would loved for the Gems to tell Ronaldo EVERYTHING aboue themsleves than to be making theories up and stuff!

    Same here. I was kinda hopeing for more interaction with Connie and Lapis and Peridot too as in hanging out instead of role play.

    While Steven rant was completely justify but I still believed Rose was a good gem. Given that Home World sound ill content with some of its citizen/ workers/ sodliers, if Rose was never existed, those gems would still continue to lived a miserable life. I guess that quote "it was worth fighting for" apply to Rose

    I found this minieries way more interesting than Marcaline as I was more invest on Finn origin pior to him being on Ooo thant how Marcaline became a vampire.
    Shame that this was a miniseries and won't be connected to the main series in a way. I mean I doubt we will see those human taking a step on Ooo.
    Lastly I admit, I

    The Amethyst scene was the best!
    I'm so glad that Amethyst must of found relief and closure that she is not the worse gems out there! I did wonder before this episode aired that the standard Amethyst must of been "Mid tier" since Jasper was the best and Amthyst we know is consider to be the worse. I would loved to see

    It look like Steven got the whole "befriending the enemy" from Gregg! Make since since if Steven can befriend a corrupted gem and a former homeworld gem, Gregg can befriend giant gem!

    I'm hoping James Baxter new dance form means he's going try to seek the bat out.

    I don't get why Fire Princess wasn't invited. Well ok I don't think BP was in good terms with her (was the last time they met was when she sabotage FP guaridans) but still we haven't seen her for a while now.

    Ok then. The one I watched has toons and its collection is like a nova!

    I know of one but I cannot say/ type in fear of getting intro trouble. All I say is it's one of those cartoon/ anime streamin sites.

    I know how you feel thus why I typed my epiosde opinions on sites like these.

    Did the mantis remind anyone of Zorak from Space Ghost? Aslo anyone remember PB rodent was part of Starchy group?
    Honestly I thought PB was kinda reverted back to her old way despite the intention was good. I mean she was thinking far ahead of time that could be unnessary similar to when she sabotage Flame Princess

    I knew Pearl would still hold resentment toward Gregg after Rose become Steven.
    I kinda find it weird how little they knoew about humans despite the thousand of years living on their planet. Still from their full theme song, it was only Rose that shown interested toward humans.

    I have :)

    I'm glad they brought up lack of Steven friends within his agre group (only Connie an Peedee). Yes the reviewer did argue that he does got alot of friends but NOT within his ages given the others are at work. Still if he was a normal non gem kid he would be in school and I get why he isn't in school in the first place

    While I did liked the episode and the song but everythign else, ehh?
    I wouldn't say it was out of character but I would had expected Connie to had aplogise to that kid as soon she thrown him than to have run away. Also Steven sudden guilt to those three characters did came out of nowhere especially when he was happy

    First the whole Gashi drawing, the whole bullying that fanartist for drawing the character "wrong" and now this.
    This only reinforce my hate toward the fandom.

    Honest, while the episode was fun and meta (that "are we still going to paid her for that one line"? sort of dialogue, can't remember the exact words), I just abit confuse on why it happend? I mean why fuse to Sardonyx to assess Smoky Quartz abilities and limits when she was "born" mere several minutes? Was this