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    Knowing the show I full expect them to not do another love triangle and just kind of use this episode to fuck with us by hinting at one. I don't see them going that route, or at least hope they don't.

    We do see them talking about it next episode, so I hope it's resolved. While out of the two of them Valencia did seem like she was getting to the point of moving on a lot faster than Rebecca was last episode, I'm sure this will be an issue. It has to be!

    YAY renewal! I was somewhat worried but not really. The CW has been craving award and critical attention for years so they weren't going to let this or JTV go. Also I'm almost sure it's picking up a lot of viewers on Netflix that's not tabulated, didn't figures come out showing that it's the most watched show on

    They just got renewed and their viewership increased due to the Netflix deal though…

    The preview shows them talking next episode so I'm looking forward to see how they handle that

    I loved the episodes and everything but am I the only one who spent it screaming WHAT ABOUT YOUR FRIENDSHIP WITH VALENCIA?!?

    Lana not Billie

    Croatoan doesn't work during the blood moon, I remember whatshisface the psychic saying that. They tried it as well during the blood moon reenactment and it didn't work.

    About the Detox/PHi Phi thing, slight correction. Detox views her actions as supporting her LA sister Willam (Sharon was a Pennsylvania queen). Detox and Willam were close (Part of DWV) and Phi Phi really went after Willam. Detox defended her online and dragged Phi2 on twitter. Everything was eventually patched up

    I think the time Pearl almost let Steven die was when the were hurtling off into space. She seemed to not worry about him during scabbard

    Adore said 'Oh because I like big dicks and fried chicken was real subtle'

    This episode really made me like Sardonyx. For all her cocky bluster, the realisation that she let herself get carried away and steal the spotlight flooded her with guilt and made her willingly unfuse to give it back to them. Correct me if I'm wrong but this is the first time that a fusion willingly unfused? She's got

    Peridot has reformed once, Garnet poofed her by squeezing her hard with the gauntlents. It's how she lost her enhancers.

    there's been further leaks. stay off the tubes and reddits

    True we don't know why Lapis was sent to earth in the first place but I always got the impression that she wasn't that high up. It'll be interesting to see if it actually carries weight. I read that 'monster' line as Jasper just trying to manipulate Lapis by appealing to her dark side.

    That was hinted at at Lapis' flashback too. You hear the diamonds theme and see a flash of yellow, blue and white light when she talks about the 'end of the war'.

    I think Pearl's song is called 'It's Over, Isn't it?'

    You know .. I really would like a gay character to stay gay and in a show and not have the alternative be that they die or turn Bi without having that be an explicit thing stated about their identity from the onset.


    Cool let me try: