Or shem….ight start against this blog :P
Or shem….ight start against this blog :P
I have to quote the worst queen ever, it is inevitable: MAMA, THAT IS SO OVERDUE OKUUUUUUYYYYYYRRRRRR
I love this!!!!!!….
The part where Alaska kind of makes fun of the inability of RPDR to bring CHER is brilliant.
OMG!!!…I am so glad you mentioned this useless guy, ex girl.
Did she curse at Tom Cruise?, please I hope so
But this one?… to win over Bianca and Dela?… I have troubles believing so.
OMG!!!! yes please!, that would be so awesome!… nobody has the skills to entertain people.
And maybe Shangela could assist on the red carpet, with Latrice
You make an excellent point, Joslyn was in a huge disadvantage.
I agree… I adore Adore, but Biana should have been crowned already.
what a sin :P
ALYSSA SUMMERS!!!!…. season 4….
OMG!!!… Edwards? never!!!!… hahahahah
From Raja I died with the dress made of money, I thought it was the best creation made for the runway EVER.
I love the show, I would never dress like a woman because is not my thing, but I do have the ultimate admiration for the creativity these stars have well….. most of them :P
I sense you are a woman?… anyway is absolutely great to be weird :P
I think is his smile and sincere eyes, and those pimples? is that the word?…
OMG… if Ru would read this he would kill me.. I do feel that the only advantage he has over some amazing queens on the show like: Bianca, Sharon, Manila, etc.. is that Ru was born decades earlier and so he was kind of the pioneer, had it been different we would have Bianca or some other great contestant as drag icon.
I actually have my top six of my dreams:
1. Bianca because hello he is perfect
2. Dela
3. Adore
4. Trinity because that b/w dress killed me
5. April
6. Milk
I love Joslyn but none of her looks are powerful enough to beat any of the above queens, maybe Adore's but Adore really did it for me on b/w too. :)
I said it before… I want April and Milk back!!!!
this might sound silly, but he could be boring as hell as long as he is so hot on those little denim shorts :p
I did love MILK so much….
I do have to say that I hated the pregnancy look, but other than that it was really nice.
5th queen… who is that?
Courtney: well since she said that being amazingly beautiful gave her a "in the alley" revelation moment.. I am so over her…. no way I want her in the top three.
I do get what you mean because I love her.. I was actually quoting the judges, I think I should have put the "" things… I am not a native speaker….